As the District continues to grow to serve its 100,000+ students and its facilities continue to age, school bonds will be the key mechanism in providing critical funding for additional schools and renovations. My experience in public finance makes me the most qualified candidate to address the current and future needs of the District. As an Investment Banker, I assist public school districts and municipalities across the State with the bond issuance and sale process. By utilizing my expertise in school bonds, tax rate impacts, and bond capacity, I will provide a new layer of due diligence to the Board and create transparency for the taxpayers. My career has prepared me to ask the most pertinent questions which will help determine what serves in the best interest of both the community members and the district. As your Trustee, I will make sure decisions on bond election planning and the issuance of bonds are made in a thoughtful and financially prudent manner.
Teachers are the backbone of our school system and do the important work of educating our students with passion every day. As the son of lifelong San Antonio public school educators, I understand the importance of teachers, their dedication, and their immeasurable hard work. In the education system, student achievements are fostered and influenced most importantly by teachers and thus it is our responsibility to advocate for them. With my personal connection to teachers, I will always be a soundboard for their concerns, a voice for them, and their biggest proponent. As your Trustee, I will advocate to advance policies that promote the retention of current employees and recruitment for new teachers and staff across the District that will continue to make Northside ISD a destination district.
By the time our students graduate, it is imperative they have a sound background and fundamental understanding of financial literacy. I understand the reality that not all graduates will continue their education at a university or college. Some will join their family business or start their own endeavor, but all must have a comprehensive understanding of personal finance and money management. We must make sure all students possess the knowledge to make informed financial decisions to create a solid foundation for their future growth. As your Trustee, I will continue to encourage that foundational financial literacy courses are offered at every campus across the District.
We need to work together to make sure our parents are engaged in the District by encouraging their children to get involved in extracurricular activities, no matter what their interests are. The meaningful relationships our students and their families form with each other through active and, more importantly, social engagement in associations, clubs, organizations, and community service is key to strengthening our communities. As your Trustee, I will make sure there are a diverse range of opportunities available for our students to be involved in extracurricular activities.
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